

Anyone that knows me will tell you I am about as random as they come. From a huge weather nerd by day to an undercover filmmaker by night. I really just can’t stay on a solid track. My interest into the world of meteorology is one that will never go away. In fact, my goal is to incorporate powerful weather education into compelling productions that inspire the masses into weather education. That’s a sneak peek of who I am, in my weather world. Now, let’s get to my roots of wanting to make movies.

There was one movie, in my childhood, that really got me into wanting to make movies. No, Twister had nothing to do with it, ha! It was actually a movie called “Deep Rising.” My personal opinion is this movie was way under rated and under appreciated. It’s next to impossible to find these days on DVD, won one award, and yet, was such a great movie for me. The acting in it was amazing, like Famke Jensen (who had already been seen in the hit movie Goldeneye), Kevin O’Connor (notoriously known as Beni in The Mummy),  Clifton Powell (seen in a large number of movies and one of my favorites, Norbit). The directing was insane but so well done.

Fast forward to many more years later and I was struggling to get my meteorology degree. I was also struggling in life and I had to find something to do that would propel me forward. That’s when I realized two things. One, if I wanted to make great educational products, I needed to know the tools to make greatness. Two, I needed to get somewhere because if I stayed where I was, I would never see the pot of gold that life has to offer. That’s when I stopped trying for a meteorology degree and started focusing on making movies.

When I told you earlier I can’t stay on a solid track, it became apparent that making movies was great for that. If you work on low budget productions, it’s nothing unusual to have multiple jobs or your job change at a moment’s notice. I like that because I like venturing into the unknown.

I was attending Oklahoma City Community College, which has courses in film and video production, including classes taught by the great Gray Frederickson. That was when I decided to take the door of opportunity, despite still struggling with life. While I had done production work before, nothing could prepare me for all that I was going to start learning. From understanding what flats were to the actual planning of a big budget, there is so much knowledge to be gained.

In completing a course taught by Gray, we, as a class, were required to basically write, shoot, produce, and deliver a film, to apply what we learned. I was torn between what was asked of me, which was like being a water boy, or doing something like a Behind The Scenes video. Being the rebel I tend to be, I did the BTS. Some people were upset that I did not do what was asked but Gray was very much satisfied. That made me happy because when a gentleman of his caliber says he likes something, it means I did not do too bad.

From his gracious comments, I got hooked. While still in school, I worked on a student capstone, known as Grace Notes. This was in 2013, which now seems like a long time ago. I guess you could say it was. I got to do a variety of things, from grip to gaffer and even some cinematography. Shortly after this wonderful experience, life took a major nose dive south.

L-R Robin (actress), myself, Cody (sound)

After recovering from such a downfall, I decided to prioritize my life to get better. This is not something that comes easy but it’s something that is best done sooner than later. As soon as I started getting back on track, I began seeking out more film work. This led to me getting on the set of “The Break,” directed by Eric Kuritz, primarily working as the sound guy but also doing some gaffer work with the great Paul Chambers. Many of us shared a variety of crew work, which I think was great for the sake of experience.

No idea what I am holding but here we are from the set of The Break. Photo By Cate Jones.

From there, I did not seek out much opportunity. I had to make up for lost time because it would have put me into a hole. That was fine though, the experience really boosted my confidence. Little did I realize what would come next. It was a blend of hell and some kind of super swell time.

My first set as a director, for The Super Swell Berkowski. Photo By Angela Soldier.

I found an opportunity to be a director. That was huge for me, since I love directing and cinematography the most. Getting to work with many different people with their first time on a set was great. In fact, I will have a link posted in the near future that will be about the entire movie, The Super Swell Berkowski. There is where I will tell you everything that you are obviously not reading here.

Since that time, I have helped on a music video (pending release) that was directed by Christopher Little and performed by The Stir. I have always inspired others to reach their full potential and in doing so, I have tapped into potential I did not even know I had. Talk about a win, win, right? I continue to meet wonderful people who share my visions as well as me sharing theirs. It’s humbling to be surrounded by people interested in the same field as you who want to help you as much as you want to help them.

Thanks for reading my Random Ramblings. This one was too much about me but let’s just call a truce and say this is an introductory to who I am and my Roots in making movies. Have a great day!


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